People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Archive for the ‘Jeff Gamso’

Dershowitz on the Darwin Darrow Defended

November 09, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Alan Dershowitz, Clarence Darrow, Evolution, Jeff Gamso, Mike Cernovich, Religion

Check out this eye-opening essay by Alan Dershowitz (H/T Evolution News & Views) at the website of a new movie about the Scopes Monkey Trial, “alleged,” starring Brian Dennehy as Clarence Darrow and Fred Thompson as William Jennings Bryan. As Dershowitz shows, the textbook from which John Scopes was accused of teaching, Hunter’s Civic Biology, was replete with racism and eugenic advocacy.

On a related note, Jeff Gamso credits Mike at Crime & Federalism with having the best tag line in the whole blogosphere:

Because everything I was ever told was a lie.

Honor Where Honor Is Due

November 04, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Honor, Jeff Gamso, Judges, Religion, Vincent Bugliosi

Probably the craziest thing I do on this blog, and the thing most likely to get me disbarred, is openly criticize judges. A couple friends and family members have wondered at some of the things I’ve written, and wondered if I wasn’t scared that a judge might read them. Despite the modest readership of this blog indicated by sitemeter, a couple local attorneys have randomly mentioned to me that they read the blog, and complimented me on it. I have to assume it’s likely that others in the local legal community, including possibly some judges I appear before, have read it, and aren’t amused. This realization no doubt contributes to the generalized sense of estrangement and alienation I noted in my previous post.


On Being Called

September 06, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Jeff Gamso, Norm Pattis

Jeff Gamso has a post up today noting the addition of a few blogs to his blogroll. He also notes: “I should probably consider deleting a couple of blogs from the list, but it seems wiser to add.  Because you never know.” I don’t have any reason to think my blog was one of those he had in mind for possible deletion (there’s several blogs on his roll that seem not to have been updated in some time), but it did cross my mind, and its crossing of my mind prompts me to ask myself once again what I’m doing, both on this blog and with my life in general.


I don’t have any heroes, but I do have a few friends.

August 21, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Gerry Spence, Jeff Gamso, John Regan, Mike Cernovich, Tony Serra, Vincent Bugliosi

Tony Serra comes closest to hero-status for me, but I take him at his word when he says that he is a deeply flawed human being and that his primary motivation as a criminal defense attorney is the gratification of his own ego.

I’ve been accused of being a Bugliosi groupie. I challenge anyone to actually read And the Sea Will Tell and then tell me that Vincent Bugliosi was not a badass criminal defense attorney. This doesn’t mean he’s a hero of mine that I aspire to emulate. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a former prosecutor to enter the kingdom of heaven, at least until after he’s smoked a turd in Purgatory for every hour of unjust incarceration for which he is responsible. (Both Serra and Gerry Spence are also former prosecutors, by the way.) But I’ve got to respect a guy, perhaps especially a guy primarily famous for being a prosecutor, who has written things like this, this and this. Read those links, and then tell me whose “side” Bugliosi is on.


Independence Day: Compare and Contrast

July 04, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Bradley Manning, Bryan Brown, Glenn Greenwald, Jeff Gamso, Norm Pattis

COMPARE Glenn Greenwald’s July 4th post on the motives of Bradley Manning with Bryan J. Brown’s “July 4th Primer — to the Indiana Supreme Court,” consisting of his final filing with that court in his unsuccessful bid to be admitted by them to the practice of law in Indiana. (Background on Bryan’s case is here, here, and here.)

CONTRAST Jeff Gamso’s July 4th post contrasting the relative “necessity” of dissolving political bands in 1776 and now with Norm Pattis’ July 4th post contrasting the trial in 1770 of the British soldiers charged with murder for their role in the Boston Massacre with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2011 in the case of Harry Connick, District Attorney v. John Thompson (throwing out a $14 million jury award for an innocent man who was imprisoned for 18 years, including 14 on death row, because prosecutors hid evidence that exonerated him).

Hometown Hero (Updated)

June 10, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Jeff Gamso

David Voelkert.

Update: See Jeff Gamso’s post on this story and my comments.

Accepting Responsibility

April 16, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Jamison Koehler, Jeff Gamso, Punishment, Trial Tax

Jamison Koehler has an interesting post up On the Defendant’s Acceptance of Responsibility at Sentencing. I weighed in with a comment, observing:

“Punishing” a defendant for refusing to “accept responsibility” by admitting guilt is completely out of line. It is, however, appropriate to “reward” a defendant who saves the state the trouble and expense of trial by pleading guilty. A guilty-in-fact defendant might internally be genuinely remorseful for what he’s done — but this laudable spiritual attitude doesn’t mean he’s morally bound to accept as a good thing the expiation of his sins the state has in mind for him. The state — quite appropriately — commonly calls into question the sincerity of any remorse expressed by the defendant at sentencing, and argues that the defendant is “sorry” he got caught. We’d all be better off if the “acceptance of responsibility” charade was taken completely off the table.


The Face of Evil

March 24, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Hugh Thompson, Jeff Gamso, Tyrus Coleman, Warmongers

Here it is. The smiling face of Corporal Jeremy Morlock, a disgrace to the human race. Why is the corpse whose head he’s holding up naked? What unspoken and unspeakable atrocities did Morlock and his brothers-in-arms commit against this innocent son of a farmer before they finally killed him for shits and giggles? And Jeff Gamso almost had me convinced that the death penalty is never justified. And here I am in my last post implying that God dwells within each and every human being. Morlock and those like him are the best argument there is against the existence of God.

Or maybe it’s really not Morlock’s fault. Maybe war just does that to people. In which case we should never, ever, go to war, unless it’s actually to defend ourselves. We should bring all of “our” troops home this very minute.


The meek will inherit the Bar.

February 16, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Jeff Gamso, John Regan, Judges

Jeff Gamso crosses over into my jurisdiction today with a post titled Indiana Wants To Be Ohio, about an Indiana Supreme Court disciplinary ruling issued last Friday, In the Matter of Patrick K. Rocchio. The pseudonymous Strike-Lawyer summarizes and comments on Jeff’s post thusly:

Jeff Gamso has been doing a lot of posting lately, which is good, he’s a good writer.  Today he revisits what he has termed the “Mark Gardner Rule”, which has to do with lawyers not criticizing judges, because if they do they’ll be disciplined by the attorney disciplinary committees or tribunals or star chambers or whatever it is they call them in whatever jurisdiction.  The occasion for Jeff’s post is that another lawyer had breached this rule, one Patrick Rocchio of Michigan or Indiana, or something.

Now, my own criticism of what Mr. Rocchio supposedly did has more to do with the poor aim of the invective, not the invective itself.  The best argument to have made to the disciplinary committee and the court . . . is that  chicken shit disciplinary charges are visited only upon independent, private practitioners like Rocchio.  Never upon big firm lawyers.  Never upon government lawyers.  Never, ever upon prosecutors.  Indeed, government lawyers can commit huge violations without a peep from the disciplinary committees.

It’s the way lawyer “discipline” functions all over the country.  There is only a small – and shrinking – pool of attorneys that are even eligible to be disciplined, although in theory of course all lawyers are subject to the rules.  But it just isn’t true.

To justify their existence, then, disciplinary committees must increasingly target that small group of lawyers for smaller and smaller “violations”. The inevitable result is that independent practitioners, in addition to meeting the other formidable demands of providing quality representation to individuals, must regularly fend off time consuming “ethics” probes from the disciplinary committees over chicken shit allegations.  That’s exactly what the Rocchio matter was, and that’s why he got mad.

He was right and the disciplinary committee and the referee and the court were all wrong.  But he’s the one who’s going to get a black mark and whose “career”, whatever that is, is going to be damaged.

The supreme court noted that but for Rocchio’s “conduct during the disciplinary process” it would have only imposed a public reprimand or an even lesser sanction for the underlying minor “violation.” But after hearing what Rocchio had to say about her and the other players in the disciplinary process, the hearing officer had recommended that the supreme court suspend Rocchio from the practice of law in Indiana for at least one year without automatic reinstatement. (The phrase “without automatic reinstatement” is a big deal.) The majority of the supreme court concurred with her recommendation but found a period of 180 days without automatic reinstatement to be “sufficient.” (Even the lone dissenter would have imposed a 30 day suspension without automatic reinstatement.)

Compare the disposition of Rocchio’s disciplinary matter with another Indiana Supreme Court disciplinary ruling issued the same day, In the Matter of Heather McClure O’Farrell, and especially with the dissent of the Chief Justice and another Justice, who instead of the public reprimand imposed by the majority would have imposed a period of suspension without automatic reinstatement, apparently because the respondent’s attorney had vigorously argued that the facts she had stipulated to did not constitute misconduct and had thereby demonstrated that she was “unrepentant.”

Now, contrast both of these disciplinary opinions with a third disciplinary opinion issued by the Indiana Supreme Court just yesterday, In the Matter of the Honorable William E. Young, Judge of the Marion Superior Court, and with one of the things the Honorable Judge did to richly deserve sanctions:

Throughout 2009, Respondent engaged in a practice of imposing substantially higher penalties of $300 to $400 in fines, plus court costs, against traffic-infraction litigants who exercised their right to trial and lost, as compared to those who pleaded guilty and waived their right to trial. Indeed, in one instance, when a traffic-infraction defendant came before the bench and was trying to decide whether to admit or deny her infraction, Respondent stated, “I’m a great listener but sometimes I’m very expensive.”

Respondent admits he engaged in this practice in part because he believed the litigants on whom he imposed the higher fines should not have pursued trials, and in part because he wanted to discourage other litigants from exercising their constitutional rights to trials.

By agreement of the Honorable Judge and the Commission which brought the disciplinary action against the Honorable Judge, which the supreme court accepted, the Honorable Judge was suspended from office without pay for a mere 30 days with automatic reinstatement. But in a separate opinion concurring in the result, the Chief Justice, apparently without intentional irony, wrote:

I would expect that in the absence of a settlement, this case should have resulted in a lengthier suspension. The per curiam understates the willfulness of the Respondent’s conduct and the damage it has done to the public standing of the judiciary. Fortunately, the overwhelming number of Indiana’s judicial officers strive demonstrably toward a much higher standard.

Needless to say, that last sentence quoted above from the Chief Justice’s opinion is just that — an opinion.

The Chief Justice concludes:

Still, as in other litigation settings, there is much to be said for the benefits of settlement, so I have joined in approving the agreement tendered by the parties.

I sure wish the supreme court had approved the agreement I made with the Indiana Disciplinary Commission for an “administrative reprimand” in my old disciplinary case, and that the Chief Justice hadn’t then dissented from the supreme court’s approval of the agreement I subsequently made with the Commission for a private reprimand, on the grounds that he believed the sanction to be “inadequate.”


January 18, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Anarchists, Henry George, Jeff Gamso, Martin Luther King Jr., Religion

In his post about the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., titled Because We’re All In It Together, Jeff Gamso quotes an excerpt from John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, in which Tom Joad is talking with his mother:


In Praise of the Iowa Supreme Court and Jeff Gamso

January 05, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Double Jeopardy, Jeff Gamso, Tyrus Coleman

In praise of Jeff Gamso for this excellent post — even though Jeff doesn’t think I’m a real criminal defense lawyer (“RCDL”) and on rare occasions indulges in drivel — and in praise of the Iowa Supreme Court for the excellent reasons cited in Jeff’s excellent post.

This is precisely the kind of post I meant when I recently wrote:

I admire but can’t hold a candle to those bloggers like Jeff Gamso and many others who regularly offer substantive, insightful and practical posts on the criminal law (i.e., the law criminal defense attorneys are actually constrained to deal with, rather than the Law I like to occupy myself with). Don’t get me wrong. Some of the happiest times in my life have been when I’ve had the (more…)

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