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Archive for the ‘Ryan at Absurd Results’

Forming the Structure of the New Society Within the Shell of the Old

October 18, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Albert Jay Nock, Henry George, Martin Luther King Jr., Ryan at Absurd Results, Thomas Jefferson

(The title of this post is borrowed from the Wobblies.)

A comment by Ryan from Absurd Results on this post about the Georgist “Single Tax” and Thomas Jefferson’s “Ward System” gave me the opportunity to once again formulate, summarize, and clarify my political wish list. Ryan wrote:

As for Georgism, I have to admit, I find it intriguing—even more so when combined with Jefferson’s ward system. Actually, I think the ward system (which sounds a lot like Michael Rozeff’s panarchy) would be essential for a single tax regime, for it would more likely keep closed the door to statism by making the wards compete for citizens.


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