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Archive for the ‘Admission & Discipline of Attorneys’

When does a lawyer who represents himself not have a fool for a client?

October 15, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Bryan Brown, Religion

When the underlying issue is his own sanity, and when he himself is Exhibit A in support thereof.

The denial of Bryan Brown’s application for admission to the Indiana Bar was nothing but tyranny, and leads me to assume that I myself am practicing law on borrowed time. I’ve met Bryan, and he’s far fitter than I to practice law.

Please pray for Bryan as he argues his case to the Seventh Circuit next Thursday at 11:30 a.m. EST.

I’m as American as apple pie.

April 29, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Freedom of Speech, Jamison Koehler, Judges

In the blog post by Jamison Koehler that I wrote about here, Jamison remarked:

Six or so months ago I wrote about the malleability of truth at trial.  While I have since taken down this blog entry on the advice of Virginia bar counsel, I continue to believe that the objective truth is rarely, if ever, introduced at trial.

I commented:

If Virginia bar counsel advised you to take down a blog entry “about the malleability of truth at trial,” and you acted on such advice, I’m probably not long for this profession based on many of my own blog entries. Yet, believe it or not, I believe everything I’ve written is protected by the First Amendment, and don’t go out of my way to court trouble, and do give some thought to whatever uncertain and slippery line might be out there in the ether. It seems the real danger area is appearing to call into question the “integrity” of a specific judge, which I try to steer clear of. The rules of professional conduct, at least in my state, forbid making a “statement that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge.” Supposedly, though, we’re still allowed to criticize judicial decisions. But doesn’t any such criticism — to the degree it asserts the decision is contrary to the law and/or the facts — implicitly concern either the qualifications or the integrity of the judge(s) making the decision?


“Doubting” Thomases: the Apostle, Jefferson, and me

March 20, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Bryan Brown, Leo Tolstoy, Norm Pattis, Religion, Thomas Jefferson

Recently I described myself as a “Christian Deist” in a comment on this interesting blog, written by a lawyer who was denied admission to the Indiana bar by the Indiana Supreme Court apparently because of a legal philosophy similar to my own and his purported resistance to and criticism of the psychological evaluation of his sanity required by the Board of Bar Examiners because of the fact that years before his application for admission he had been arrested several times for protesting at abortion clinics and had refused to pay an unconstitutional civil judgment for attorney fees against him related to such protests. (Norm Pattis writes today regarding the disbarment of F. Lee Bailey and the fact that judges rather than juries decide such questions: “Deciding whether an aggressive, and often controversial, lawyer should remain at the bar is not a decision I would trust to a judge, ever.”)

What I mean by describing myself as a Christian Deist is illuminated by the following two articles, my discovery of which online was prompted by my discovery in a bookstore yesterday of Tolstoy’s The Gospel in Brief:


Sometimes judges, to their credit, do slam their own, sort of.

February 20, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Alan Dershowitz, Freedom of Speech, Judges

A few days ago the Indiana Supreme Court unanimously granted transfer and adopted a court of appeals’ unanimous opinion reversing a St. Joseph County trial judge’s granting of an adoption of a minor child by the child’s stepmother over the child’s mother’s objection. The court of appeals’ opinion had concluded:

Under the circumstances before us, there is not a single shred of evidence indicating that this adoption could even remotely be considered to be in N.W.’s best interest.

As if that wasn’t already strong enough, the Supreme Court in its order adopting the court of appeals’ opinion went even further, going out of its way to observe:


Response of Patrick K. Rocchio to Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Ruling

February 16, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys

Today I received by email from attorney Patrick K. Rocchio, per my request, a statement by him, on his letterhead and dated February 15, 2011, responding to the Indiana Supreme Court’s disciplinary ruling In the Matter of Patrick K. Rocchio. With Mr. Rocchio’s permission I’ve posted below the text of his statement in its entirety. It’s long and detailed, but well worth the read. If you don’t read the whole thing, at least read the “Personal Remarks” section at the end.

Mr. Rocchio’s statement:


The meek will inherit the Bar.

February 16, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Admission & Discipline of Attorneys, Jeff Gamso, John Regan, Judges

Jeff Gamso crosses over into my jurisdiction today with a post titled Indiana Wants To Be Ohio, about an Indiana Supreme Court disciplinary ruling issued last Friday, In the Matter of Patrick K. Rocchio. The pseudonymous Strike-Lawyer summarizes and comments on Jeff’s post thusly:

Jeff Gamso has been doing a lot of posting lately, which is good, he’s a good writer.  Today he revisits what he has termed the “Mark Gardner Rule”, which has to do with lawyers not criticizing judges, because if they do they’ll be disciplined by the attorney disciplinary committees or tribunals or star chambers or whatever it is they call them in whatever jurisdiction.  The occasion for Jeff’s post is that another lawyer had breached this rule, one Patrick Rocchio of Michigan or Indiana, or something.

Now, my own criticism of what Mr. Rocchio supposedly did has more to do with the poor aim of the invective, not the invective itself.  The best argument to have made to the disciplinary committee and the court . . . is that  chicken shit disciplinary charges are visited only upon independent, private practitioners like Rocchio.  Never upon big firm lawyers.  Never upon government lawyers.  Never, ever upon prosecutors.  Indeed, government lawyers can commit huge violations without a peep from the disciplinary committees.

It’s the way lawyer “discipline” functions all over the country.  There is only a small – and shrinking – pool of attorneys that are even eligible to be disciplined, although in theory of course all lawyers are subject to the rules.  But it just isn’t true.

To justify their existence, then, disciplinary committees must increasingly target that small group of lawyers for smaller and smaller “violations”. The inevitable result is that independent practitioners, in addition to meeting the other formidable demands of providing quality representation to individuals, must regularly fend off time consuming “ethics” probes from the disciplinary committees over chicken shit allegations.  That’s exactly what the Rocchio matter was, and that’s why he got mad.

He was right and the disciplinary committee and the referee and the court were all wrong.  But he’s the one who’s going to get a black mark and whose “career”, whatever that is, is going to be damaged.

The supreme court noted that but for Rocchio’s “conduct during the disciplinary process” it would have only imposed a public reprimand or an even lesser sanction for the underlying minor “violation.” But after hearing what Rocchio had to say about her and the other players in the disciplinary process, the hearing officer had recommended that the supreme court suspend Rocchio from the practice of law in Indiana for at least one year without automatic reinstatement. (The phrase “without automatic reinstatement” is a big deal.) The majority of the supreme court concurred with her recommendation but found a period of 180 days without automatic reinstatement to be “sufficient.” (Even the lone dissenter would have imposed a 30 day suspension without automatic reinstatement.)

Compare the disposition of Rocchio’s disciplinary matter with another Indiana Supreme Court disciplinary ruling issued the same day, In the Matter of Heather McClure O’Farrell, and especially with the dissent of the Chief Justice and another Justice, who instead of the public reprimand imposed by the majority would have imposed a period of suspension without automatic reinstatement, apparently because the respondent’s attorney had vigorously argued that the facts she had stipulated to did not constitute misconduct and had thereby demonstrated that she was “unrepentant.”

Now, contrast both of these disciplinary opinions with a third disciplinary opinion issued by the Indiana Supreme Court just yesterday, In the Matter of the Honorable William E. Young, Judge of the Marion Superior Court, and with one of the things the Honorable Judge did to richly deserve sanctions:

Throughout 2009, Respondent engaged in a practice of imposing substantially higher penalties of $300 to $400 in fines, plus court costs, against traffic-infraction litigants who exercised their right to trial and lost, as compared to those who pleaded guilty and waived their right to trial. Indeed, in one instance, when a traffic-infraction defendant came before the bench and was trying to decide whether to admit or deny her infraction, Respondent stated, “I’m a great listener but sometimes I’m very expensive.”

Respondent admits he engaged in this practice in part because he believed the litigants on whom he imposed the higher fines should not have pursued trials, and in part because he wanted to discourage other litigants from exercising their constitutional rights to trials.

By agreement of the Honorable Judge and the Commission which brought the disciplinary action against the Honorable Judge, which the supreme court accepted, the Honorable Judge was suspended from office without pay for a mere 30 days with automatic reinstatement. But in a separate opinion concurring in the result, the Chief Justice, apparently without intentional irony, wrote:

I would expect that in the absence of a settlement, this case should have resulted in a lengthier suspension. The per curiam understates the willfulness of the Respondent’s conduct and the damage it has done to the public standing of the judiciary. Fortunately, the overwhelming number of Indiana’s judicial officers strive demonstrably toward a much higher standard.

Needless to say, that last sentence quoted above from the Chief Justice’s opinion is just that — an opinion.

The Chief Justice concludes:

Still, as in other litigation settings, there is much to be said for the benefits of settlement, so I have joined in approving the agreement tendered by the parties.

I sure wish the supreme court had approved the agreement I made with the Indiana Disciplinary Commission for an “administrative reprimand” in my old disciplinary case, and that the Chief Justice hadn’t then dissented from the supreme court’s approval of the agreement I subsequently made with the Commission for a private reprimand, on the grounds that he believed the sanction to be “inadequate.”

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