People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Archive for the ‘Determinism’

Giving the devil his due

October 06, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Clarence Darrow, Determinism, Henry George, Religion

I’ve been reading Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned (2011), by John A. Farrell. Here’s a couple excerpts from the first few chapters which particularly spoke to me.

From Chapter 2 (“Chicago”):

George Schilling was a prominent trade unionist when he encountered Darrow at a gathering of freethinkers. The other speakers had gone too far in mocking the ministry of Jesus Christ, and Darrow “jumped in, and with a ten-minute speech defended the carpenter’s son of Judea with such a sympathetic, persuasive voice that I fell in love with him,” Schilling recalled. “We became fast friends.”


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