People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Archive for the ‘Left-Right Spectrum’

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February 05, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Claire Wolfe, David Gross, Henry George, John Hasnas, Left-Right Spectrum, Leo Tolstoy

The First Leftist:

The first Leftists were a group of newly elected representatives to the National Constituent Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789. They were labeled “Leftists” merely because they happened to sit on the left side in the French Assembly.

The legislators who sat on the right side were referred to as the Party of the Right, or Rightists. The Rightists or “reactionaries” stood for a highly centralized national government, special laws and privileges for unions and various other groups and classes, government economic monopolies in various necessities of life, and a continuation of government controls over prices, production, and distribution.

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