People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Bad Quaker Dot Com

April 15, 2012 By: John Kindley Category: Uncategorized

How have I not seen this site before? Definitely going in the RSS feed, and in the Blogroll. From the About page:

Bad Quakers:
Where Bad Quakers part with good Quakers is in the area of self defense. Quakers tend to be pacifists. And while Bad Quakers appreciate and respect that position, and even agree that was certainly the position Jesus took while on Earth, Bad Quakers are not pacifists. Bad Quakers tend to be armed at all times, and are willing to defend not only themselves but their friends, loved ones, property, and at times even strangers.

More on Bad Quakers:
Bad Quakers embrace the Zero Aggression Principle or ZAP.

Bad Quakers recognize the State as an entity that exists by the use of aggression, lies, and theft. Therefore the Bad Quaker rejects the State as a legitimate form of government. Bad Quakers do not reject government. Bad Quakers realize that government, when entered into and maintained by peaceful voluntary means, can be legitimate. But when government adopts the State as its method of existence, it is no longer legitimate. The Bad Quaker understands that every act of the State, no mater the short term result, will produce evil.

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