Comments on: But hats off to the martyrs: Ernst Juenger’s On the Marble Cliffs fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice Tue, 11 Dec 2012 22:04:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Tue, 11 Dec 2012 22:04:01 +0000 Hey John, you’ll be happy – I just found an ebook version of EUMESWIL. Actually it seems to available in most formats, including epub, pdf etc. Much better than the original pdf we found….

By: John Kindley Thu, 15 Nov 2012 00:21:01 +0000 In reply to Ernst Juenger Anarch.

I concur.

It seems to me that the point of the anarch is that he is not without will or “political” preferences, and does not categorically renounce action, resistance, or even martyrdom. After all, the narrator of Eumeswil says that the anarch is “also dangerous.” But he also rightly compares the anarchist, in speaking of Benjamin Tucker, to Don Quixote, and to one who has heard the alarm but charges off in the wrong direction, because it appears that the anarchist qua anarchist wills and sets as his goal something that already is: namely, anarchy. The narrator illustrates the confusion in the same discussion of Tucker by cataloging all the different things which various people who have called themselves “anarchists” have willed and seen as the right path to anarchy.

By: Ernst Juenger Anarch Tue, 13 Nov 2012 20:48:49 +0000 Well done – the contrast between what Steiner says of Juenger and the passage you chose could not be stronger!

As you know, I also find Eumeswil unsurpassable among Juenger’s works; yet On the Marble Cliffs is certainly his most poetic and emotional – not to mention, of course, its truly prophetic foresight into the barbarism of WWII, on the German and Soviet sides.

The English translation is also outstanding. It should also be mentioned that he published this hidden critique of the Nazis right before the war started, at the height of their power, and it almost cost him his life.
