Comments on: Has Gerry Spence ever lost a criminal case? You be the judge. fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:09:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter purcell Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:09:05 +0000 Gerry Spence played the bafoon in the Lee h. Oswald muck-u drama trial,while vince Bugliosi was serious, prepared & professional. Spence let down those who felt “some kind of conspiracy” took place in the JFK assiassination. Spence provided no real testimony or content, to prove his case & left it only try to shoot holes in Bugliosi’s case & that unsuccessfully,in bungling fashion & gave every apearance of being woefully unprepared. He said “only Vince could have done that” ! I’m not even a lawyer, but watching it on internet I’d have felt confident taking on Gerry Spence in that mock Trial. The difference between the two lawyers was night & day, with Spence coming accross as a phony,incompetent & Bugliose as his superior; fully prepared, serious professional lawyer.

By: SHAMROCK CENTURION Fri, 07 Feb 2014 12:09:03 +0000 As for me and my house, I not only think that Vincent Bugliosi is a classic bloviator, but that he’s perhaps well outdone by the “Aw Shucks” baloney Gerry Spence has perfected in his careers as prosecutor and defense attorney.

Be that as it may, though, Gerry Spence did not lose a criminal trial relating to Lee Harvey Oswald.

That was, anyone with a brain knows, a television production by the pay TV network SHOWTIME with no formal indictment, no opportunity for the accused to assist in his own defense and had absolutely no formal status and/or weight of law, since, among other things, it was held by a “court” with no legal standing in a purely theatrical setting and for a theatrical purpose, filmed not in a court anywhere in the United States, but in London England:

“A real sworn-in jury of twelve Dallas citizens was flown to London,
England, to sit in judgment of the man whom the Warren Commission (22
years earlier) had deemed guilty of killing President Kennedy and
Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit on November 22, 1963.”

So, not only was it not a bona fide trial, it wasn’t even held in the US, but on a sound stage in London, to which paid prosecutors, defense staff members, witnesses and jurors were sent for a five or so month vacation and paid to be part of the theatrical production

So, I think Spence is full of baloney, but he sure lost no case there any more than an argument he lost yesterday in a bar or on Oprah Winfrey or Fox or CNN news shows constitute losing a case as a trial lawyer on either side of an indictment and case at bar!

True …

… Story!

By: Prosecutors should never lose. | People v. State Mon, 28 Mar 2011 05:21:50 +0000 […] I noted in this post, Spence wrote in The Making of a Country Lawyer: I finished my second term having tried many more […]

By: Gustavo Diaz Sat, 09 Oct 2010 18:54:59 +0000 You know, you might be right, but did you ever bother to ask Gerry Spence why he makes such a claim in light of what your research has revealed? And is cherry-picking, that is, deciding who you will represent and who you will not represent ever come to play in this equation. As a prosecutor, I’m sure Spence had no choice in who he had to prosecute. As a defense lawyer, he could turn down clients he felt were guilty, not worthy, could not pay him, did not like, or liked but knew the person had a losing case that would tarnish his impeccable record.

Spence is nonetheless a great lawyer and no one, not even Spence, is perfect. It’s nice to know that there are individuals like yourself out there who have the time and enthusiasm to research these types of claims. I’m sure you burst many of bubbles on this here issue.

Gustavo Diaz
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Lancaster, California

By: Yet another installment in an unintentional series on Justice and Criminal Defense | People v. State Mon, 26 Jul 2010 17:42:51 +0000 […] Bennett, riffing off a post Norm Pattis wrote about Gerry Spence’s claim that he had never lost a criminal case, muses: I wonder: what if a criminal defense lawyer took […]
