Comments on: Some days, like today, I hate being a lawyer. fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:41:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: J Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:41:07 +0000 John,

You are correct. Judges often interpret the law to their wishes. Can you imagine a Judge screaming to a full court, “I don’t listen to the Sheriff’s Department!” It was an amazing day in court.

You are probably current as a lawyer, but just in case you missed this check the Indiana Court of Appeals. As a non-attorney, I cannot attest to the quality of the opinion. But, it applies to your post. In a nutshell, your client was denied due process.

Lindquist v Lindquist

Thank you for you honesty about the courts and lawyers. Is it any wonder lawyers are held is such low esteem? In the past two years, I have lost nearly all respect for courts, judges, and attorneys with a handful of exceptions. Our courts are cluttered with nonsense.

Good luck.


By: Jonathan C. Hansen Thu, 15 Jul 2010 01:39:05 +0000 Hey man – I just got turned on to your blawg by Norm Pattis, and just spent two hours reading your posts here. I find it very interesting and well worth reading not because I share much of your point of view (I do), but because you bring up and treat points of law as well explicate a meta-analysis of what is going on, include personal experiences, and share behind the scene information not often available to non-practitioners. Thanks.
