People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice


August 17, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Uncategorized

I’ve had a blogroll in the past, but got rid of it because I didn’t want it to be as long as a list of all the blogs contained in my Google Reader, because it seemed somewhat difficult to decide which blogs to include on the blogroll, and because at one time it was my goal (long since abandoned) to more frequently link in posts themselves to everything in my Google Reader that I found of interest and wanted to recommend. If I had my druthers I’d write a new post saying simply “read this” every time Jeff Gamso wrote a post, every time Norm Pattis wrote a post, every time John Regan (aka Atticus aka Strike Lawyer) wrote a post, every time IOZ wrote a post, every time Matt Brown wrote a post, and every time any new post is written on any of the blogs listed on my newly installed blogroll to the right, but that’s no way to write a blog. And that’s basically my criteria for being on the blogroll: I can basically recommend everything they write and/or they’ve been gracious enough to include me on their own blogroll.

3 Comments to “Blogroll”

  1. John,

    Thanks for listing me. I’m honored.

    Hopefully I can keep from falling too far below the high standard set by yourself and the others listed.

  2. John Kindley says:


    I’ve been reading all your posts, and have wanted to highlight here a few of them, but recently the blog has gotten away from me a bit. I am likewise honored to be listed on your blogroll.

  3. Norm Pattis says:


    Thanks for the kid words.



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