People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Further evidence that higher education is a bad bet

June 20, 2010 By: John Kindley Category: Uncategorized

I used to play poker with this 26-year-old college dropout at a local neighborhood bar. His $1 million+ lifetime earnings as a professional poker player shames any pride I might have had in my own amateurish $18k- payday. But playing poker contributes nothing to society, you remonstrate? Fair enough. But consider:

Persistent unemployment is not a problem because employees and employers are “mismatched,” one of those callous Management euphemisms that will one day take its rightful place alongside such Third-Reichisms as “transport.” It’s a problem because our economy is a castle made of bullshit built on a bullshit foundation foundering in a swamp of bullshit. It is not an absence of skills and abilities that curtails and limits the prospects of gainful labor; it is an absence of any industry requiring any labor. Yes, it was lovely that we had a decade or two in which fake jobs full of people pimping their fake skills abounded, but that wave crested and rolled back.

2 Comments to “Further evidence that higher education is a bad bet”

  1. Are we pimping fake shit? BTW, I hate how your catpcha code is underneath this. I always forget to input it!

    • John Kindley says:

      Naah. Not us. We perform a necessary function in society. Criminal defense is honest work, even if our sweat is not caused by physical exertion. But I do think higher education, including law school, is largely a scam. The excerpt I quoted paints our entire economy with a pretty broad brush. But I think the writer has a point, and the observation that one can makes lots of money by playing poker without producing anything seemed related to it.


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