People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Good on Mark Bennett . . . (Updated)

October 15, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: John Regan, Norm Pattis

. . . for leaving this comment on a post at John Regan’s blog about a motion Regan and Norm Pattis have submitted to the SCOTUS on behalf of Sephora Davis (Background here, here, here, here and here):

That is some lawyering. Good for Norm for jumping in, and godspeed to you and Sephora.

And good on Marc Randazza for not deleting this comment on a post in which he professed his atheism and asserted, inter alia, that “[i]f you believe in a magic space zombie Jew, you’re not rational enough to be president either”:

Hmmm… I would then assume that you could heap the same scorn on someone for their lack of beliefs…. so I will. The writer of this blog is a pompous ass know it all who thinks that his way is the right way. He is no better than those he despises. But….. that’s the way it always is.

Have a nice day.

UPDATE: I want to make clear that I don’t agree with the comment posted on Marc’s blog. I actually agree with the main point of Marc’s post. I just think some bloggers should have thicker skins.

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