People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

I admit it. I live in an embarrassingly stupid State.

February 25, 2012 By: John Kindley Category: Uncategorized

I’ve re-added a Blogroll to the sidebar at right, and have added the Discovery Institute’s Evolution News & Views to it. (If you want your blog added, add mine and let me know.) Here is a notable post from February 1, 2012:

A bill approved yesterday by the Indiana Senate to allow the teaching of creationism in public schools is being criticized as bad science education by Discovery Institute, the nation’s leading intelligent design think tank.

If made law, Indiana Senate Bill 89 (SB89) would allow creationism, a religious view on the origin of species, into the Hoosier state’s biology classrooms. In 1987, the Supreme Court struck down similar legislation as an unconstitutional establishment of religion. Instead of scrapping SB89 in deference to legal precedent, the Indiana Senate has amended the bill to allow more religious views on origins, as if more religion could cure the original problem.

“Instead of injecting religion into biology classes, legislators should be working to promote the inclusion of more science,” said Joshua Youngkin, a law and policy analyst at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “There are plenty of scientific criticisms of Darwin’s theory today, and science students should be able to hear about them, not about religion.”

For Discovery Institute’s complete science education policy go to:

Here are a few other notable posts at Evolution News & Views since the beginning of the year:

Rick Santorum, the Santorum Amendment and Intelligent Design

Alfred Russel Wallace, Iconoclast Extraordinaire

In Time for Darwin Day, It’s Our New List of Pro-ID Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers; 50th Paper Published in 2011

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