People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Barack Obama: Commander in Chief of a global force for evil

March 05, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Bradley Manning, Warmongers

Is there anything more obscene than Westboro Baptist Church’s picketing of dead soldiers’ funerals? Yes, there is indeed something far more obscene: the U.S. military’s God-damned torture and charging with a capital offense of the only American soldier in recent memory who has actually fought and suffered for the freedom of Americans, PFC Bradley Manning. In this new age of involuntary transparency brought on by Wikileaks, Obama’s Administration apparently has decided to respond with less secrecy and more Terrorism, and presumably views the “bad” publicity associated with Manning’s treatment and comparisons with Abu Ghraib and Gitmo as a feature and not a bug. Obama is a contemptible hypocrite. Manning is a hero. They have their reward.


The Truth Behind Quantico Brig’s Decision to Strip PFC Manning, by his lawyer David E. Coombs

Manning Prosecutors: The Enemy is Us, by Thomas L. Knapp at the Center for a Stateless Society

Sailors take aim at new recruiting slogan, by Philip Ewing at the Navy Times

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