People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Archive for the ‘Common Law’

Nunc Dimittas Domine

December 01, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Common Law, Originalism, Thomas Jefferson

I’m finally getting around to reading Blackstone’s Commentaries, in a $1.99 app for the iPhone (the very first app I’ve actually paid $ for; I looked into also installing Black’s Law Dictionary, but it’s 54.99 freaking $$$) that I can recommend for its readability. (An app search turned up only this one app, created by SunScroll, containing the Commentaries, so it’s not hard to find if you’re so inclined.)

A few motives inspired this recent sally:


  • "[T]here is just nothing wrong with telling the American people the truth." - Allen v. United States

  • Lysander Spooner

    Henry George

    Harriet Tubman

    Sitting Bull

    Angelus Silesius

    Smedley Butler

    Rose Wilder Lane

    Albert Jay Nock

    Dora Marsden

    Leo Tolstoy

    Henry David Thoreau

    John Brown

    Karl Hess

    Levi Coffin

    Max Stirner

    Dorothy Day

    Ernst Jünger

    Thomas Paine