People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

My Take on the Casey Anthony Verdict

July 06, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Casey Anthony, Justice

I always root against the State, except perhaps in the rare case when the State prosecutes one of its own.

As Lew Rockwell writes (in a post quoted by the Atlantic):

I wonder: even if this woman were guilty, what is to be gained by turning her over to the greatest killing, torturing, and looting machine on earth, government, as if it were some moral authority? We need private judicial proceedings, restitution and not retribution, and not exaltation of the dullards and thugs who compose government. It is never right for them to judge anybody on anything.

This attitude is consistent with, rather than contrary to, my view (for which I’ve been excoriated a fair amount in the criminal defense blogosphere) that the role of the criminal defense attorney is to “do justice,” notwithstanding my acknowledgement that losing for those we think innocent is more devastating than losing in general.

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  1. I don’t have any heroes, but I do have a few friends. | People v. State 21 08 11

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