People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

True Religion, in a Nutshell

August 03, 2011 By: John Kindley Category: Religion

What makes a Christian a Christian? Following the commandments of Jesus Christ. And what, according to Jesus Christ himself, is the greatest commandment, on which all of the law and prophets are based? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul; and your neighbor as your self. And what element of this greatest of commandments is its practical starting point? The denial and suppression of the overweening Self, of everything in us which is not God.

Observe that this greatest of commandments demands of us nothing more than Justice founded in Truth. Observe also the Liberty of a soul which through Truth has overcome the fear / wrath / despair which necessarily sprouts from Self-regard and Self-concern. It may be that we doubt the very existence of God, but only through living in accordance with the Truth about our selves may we hope to learn the Truth about God.

Observe, finally, that we need not believe anything about Jesus Christ to see the Truth in and obey this greatest of commandments.

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  • "[T]here is just nothing wrong with telling the American people the truth." - Allen v. United States

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