People v. State

fairly undermining public confidence in the administration of justice

Suing I am. (Updated)

July 24, 2010 By: John Kindley Category: Uncategorized

I think she’s got a case.

UPDATE: My prediction proved accurate — 8 years ago. So I guess this story is old news. I came across this newspaper clipping on Facebook, and laughed long and hard. The look on her face as she sits next to her toy Yoda, and the image of her being led out to the parking lot of the Hooters where she worked, blindfolded, expecting the Toyota she’d been promised for winning a month-long sales contest, and the confusion and humiliation that must have ensued as the blindfold was taken off and she was presented with her toy Yoda, as her bosses and co-workers presumably laughed their fool heads off, was good for a hearty guffaw.

Life needs a little laughter, and this blog, as a reflection of me, is no exception. The laughter in this case was initially at the victim’s expense, but now is also at the expense of whoever was fool enough to concoct what was purportedly an April Fool’s joke and the corporation that got stuck with the bill. The joke’s on them too. But in the grand scheme of things I hope Hooters agrees with me that the joke was worth it. It was only a Toyota after all. It’s not like they had to fork over a Hummer, or a Harrier fighter jet.

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